Heavy Mist on Small Water
Heavy Mist on Small Water
Very atmospheric setting on Loch Lomond
Very atmospheric setting on Loch Lomond
Cloudy morning on Buttermere
Cloudy morning on Buttermere
Crummock Water
Crummock Water
Early Sunset over Haweswater
Early Sunset over Haweswater
Sunrise over Haweswater.
Sunrise over Haweswater.
Cold evening looking South at Loch Lomond
Cold evening looking South at Loch Lomond
Morning Sun shining on Haystacks, Buttermere.
Morning Sun shining on Haystacks, Buttermere.
Ashness Bridge
Ashness Bridge
Overcast but calm day on Buttermere
Overcast but calm day on Buttermere
Cold morning at Ullswater
Cold morning at Ullswater
Low cloud and mist at Loweswater
Low cloud and mist at Loweswater
Hadrians Wall at Cawfields
Hadrians Wall at Cawfields
Buttermere during blue hour
Buttermere during blue hour
Dawn over Ullswater on a frosty morning.
Dawn over Ullswater on a frosty morning.
Heavy Mist on Small Water
Heavy Mist on Small Water
UllswaterCold and moody setting at Ullswater with the sun peeking through the low cloud.
Very atmospheric setting on Loch Lomond
Very atmospheric setting on Loch Lomond
Cloudy morning on Buttermere
Cloudy morning on Buttermere
Crummock Water
Crummock WaterLow cloud surrounding a Fell Top at dusk.
Early Sunset over Haweswater
Early Sunset over Haweswater
Sunrise over Haweswater.
Sunrise over Haweswater.Taken from Rough Cragg as the mist started to build and spread along Haweswater.
Cold evening looking South at Loch Lomond
Cold evening looking South at Loch Lomond
Morning Sun shining on Haystacks, Buttermere.
Morning Sun shining on Haystacks, Buttermere.
GrassmoorLow cloud over Grassmoor Fell, Crummock Water, with the sunlight hitting the Beck.
Ashness Bridge
Ashness BridgeFamous pack horse bridge at Derwent Water.
Overcast but calm day on Buttermere
Overcast but calm day on Buttermere
Cold morning at Ullswater
Cold morning at Ullswater Ullswater on a cold and frosty morning
Low cloud and mist at Loweswater
Low cloud and mist at LoweswaterLow cloud and mist at Loweswater
Hadrians Wall at Cawfields
Hadrians Wall at CawfieldsLooking East along the Roman Wall from Turret 42.
WindemereRow of moored boats on Lake Windemere
UllswaterUllswater on a very cold and frosty morning
Buttermere during blue hour
Buttermere during blue hourLong exposure at Buttermere before dawn
CastleriggSunset at Castlerigg
Dawn over Ullswater on a frosty morning.
Dawn over Ullswater on a frosty morning.Taken from the East side of the Lake at dawn
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